Our Year 5 Topaz continued their Science topic of sound by researching what happens when we hear a noise. They found that this everyday occurrence that most of us don’t pause to think about, involves a complicated set of steps, from the initial vibration that causes the sound wave to travel through the air, to the intricate processes that occur in our ears. All these steps culminate in our brains interpreting these vibrations as unique sounds, each with a different pitch and volume. Mr Anderson and Mrs Oram were impressed with the colourful and informative posters that were submitted, such as this wonderful example from Oskar. A special mention must go to all family members who managed to take part in our floury balloon experiment at home, which tested whether light or sound travels quicker. After popping a flour-filled balloon, we saw the flour start to disperse before we heard the sound of the balloon popping, so we know the sound waves took longer to reach our ears.