boy and girl smiling


At Dolphin School we are teaching the children to think of their wider role in the world. They are learning to think of the needs of others and how they can help and support those in need.

To this end, there are various charities which are supported by our school community, both at home and abroad. Each year, our Year 6 pupils research a charity of importance to them and present their charity to the school for pupils to vote to select the year’s Lent charity. Our Parents of Dolphin (POD) host an annual coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support and hold cake sales and sponsored events in aid of the charities we are supporting. Through charitable giving, pupils learn about the need to take responsibility for the choices they make. Through their choices, they learn that they can make a difference and become aware of the challenges faced in different societies and locations in our world.

Recently, we have supported:

  • Centrepoint
  • Macmillan Cancer Support
  • Love-in-a-box
  • The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
  • The Children’s Society
  • WWF