It was thrilling to have the whole school involved in our Something Brilliant assembly last Friday. There was a wonderful sense of eager anticipation as a bumper number of parents joined us, filling the church space and spilling into the balcony. Thank you all for the tremendous reception you gave to the launch of our Something Brilliant campaign.

We had been delighted to give a “preview” of our Something Brilliant film at the POD Quiz Night last Thursday, whetting parents’ appetites for what was to come on Friday.

The film is on our website and Instagram if you have not yet seen it, or want to see it again.

In our assembly, the dancing and capoeira, the shared thoughts of the children, the heartfelt prayers and the singing of classes, choir and staff, came together to demonstrate vividly why our school is so very special. What came across was the love and nurture for each individual, as well as the successful development of each child’s talents. The joyful celebration of school life and the relationships at the heart of what we do, culminated in a palpable sense of “Something Brilliant”.

Our campaign continues on social media, in our local community and with our pupils, so look out for more to come.