Noah’s Ark offers the following options and costs as from September 2024:
For 2 – 2 ½ years old, should parents not want the full 5 mornings sessions, we offer 2 or 3 or 4 mornings per week (minimum 2 mornings) at £48 per session (09.00-12.30).
From 2 ½ years old – full term’s fees (£2,646) for five mornings per week (09.00-12.30).
From 2 ½ years we offer several extended afternoons from 12.30 – 15.00 (Westside site) or 12.30 – 15.30 (Dolphin site).
Children bring a packed lunch or have a hot lunch at the Dolphin site (£6 per lunch) and stay on from the morning session) at £31 per session. Dolphin site 5 afternoons and West Side site 3 afternoons (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
From 3 years old children are eligible for the EYFP – the funding is discounted from the fees and parents pay the difference. Please see the Fee Policy on the website for information about the 15 hours Early Years Funded Places.
The Registration fee is £50 (non-refundable) and the Acceptance Deposit is £500 (refundable after your last term’s account has been settled).
The Noah’s Ark smock and bookbag cost £30.
Noah’s Ark children who are also registered at Dolphin School will be offered priority Reception class places and receive a discount of 10% off the Reception year’s fees.
If you would like to register with us, please complete the Registration Form via this link and send it to the admissions email address. Please also send a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate and the £50 Registration Fee by bank transfer (bank details below). Your child’s name will then be entered onto our Registration List.